1) Who are you and what do you do?
I am Maori and have a twin brother. I am an actor and trained lawyer and sit on various boards as a non-executive director. I have written three books – the most famous of which was my account of walking 3,000 miles along the Great China Wall (First Pass Under Heaven) – being the youngest Westerner to complete this epic journey has to be my greatest achievement to date – check out Nathan’s website here at www.greatwalldvd.com
2) Why do you like living in Wellington?
Wellington has a multicultural inner city vibe in what is essentially a scenic village setting encased in mountains and natural harbour / ocean. Best of all possible worlds except for the weather which could be better! Solid arts scene with lively bars and restaurants.
3) What’s your most favourite memory of Wellington?
Best experience here are the sevens dress up parties in Courtney place and the cricket and rugby world cups that were staged here. The bands in the gardens each summer are a real treat too.
4) If you like coffee – which cafe serves up the best for you? (!)
I love my coffee at Pandoro Panetteria (Woodward street)
If you would like to contact Nathan about the Maori way of life and culture – you are most welcome! Ask him anything you would like to learn more about – email – nathanspictorials@yahoo.com – he is happy to answer your questions personally.
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